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Human Library Beyond The Cover: Queer Stories in Muskoka Huntsville Public Library Wednesday July 24th 7PM-9PM The Human Library is, in the true sense of the word, a library of people. This event allows readers to borrow human beings, serving as open books, to have conversations they would not usually have access to. PARKING WILL BE A CHALLENGE DUE TO CONSTRUCTION. THE LIBRARY IS OPEN AND THE EVENT WILL HAPPEN. Each book will be open for 20-minutes and readers can sign up for books they wish to listen to upon entering the library. Each reader will be able to listen to up to 6 books. Readers are encouraged to socialize and enjoy light refreshments and treats between books. Every human book from our bookshelf is a volunteer representing a group in our community, and this is an opportunity to get together, share, and learn. For more information about the books (volunteers from our community) and to register, please go to the Huntsville Public Library event website. Facebook Event |